04How to Read the Future9 06Competency Competencies Framework Statements 07 Build Design Engage Community 12 Solutions 16in Inquiry 08 Build networks 13 De昀椀ne and explore a design challenge 17 Frame a question 09 Nurture and sustain relationships 14 Use models or prototypes to test ideas 18 Develop an inquiry plan 10 Advocate for myself and others 15 Test and iterate 19 Select and evaluate sources 11 Develop as a multilingual 20 Gather and organize original data 21 Synthesize sources or 昀椀ndings Learn 22Express 28Interdependently Navigate Ideas 29 Develop a plan to pursue a goal 33Con昀氀ict 23 De昀椀ne audience, purpose, and format 30 Monitor progress and adjust 24 Select, re昀椀ne, and develop my message 31 Give and receive feedback 34 Recognize and process my feelings 25 Advocate for myself and others 32 Engage in discussion 35 Recognize and respond to the 26 Finalize my product or performance feelings of others 27 Share and re昀氀ect 36 Apply strategies to work toward resolution 42Reason 37Read Quantitatively Sustain the World 43 Represent mathematical information 46Wellness 38 Find inspiration and ideas 44 Solve problems 39 Engage and critique perspectives 45 Construct explanations 47 Nurture my identity 40 Evaluate use of techniques and technology 48 Build a昀케rming life practices 41 Learn from the past 49 Develop intercultural competence 50Bibliography by Competency 33
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