COMPETENCY STATEMENTS BUILD COMMUNITY DESIGN SOLUTIONS ENGAGE IN INQUIRY I can nurture my relationships and I can identify challenges in the I can pursue answers to meaningful connections with others to build and world around me and design ways to questions through primary and sustain my community. address them. secondary research. EXPRESS IDEAS LEARN INTERDEPENDENTLY NAVIGATE CONFLICT I can develop and communicate my I can lead my own learning while I can process my feelings, attune ideas with purpose and clarity. collaborating with and contributing to others, and contribute to to the learning of others. constructive resolution. READ THE WORLD REASON QUANTITATIVELY SUSTAIN WELLNESS I can engage with diverse ideas and I can reason through, represent, I can develop practices to support a range of media to understand and and communicate mathematical my own well-being, embrace critically examine the world around problems and approaches to di昀昀erence, and foster intercultural me. solving them. competence. 6
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