EI.4 LEVEL 6 GATHER AND ORGANIZE LEVEL 5 I can implement ORIGINAL DATA LEVEL 4 I can implement my my data collection LEVEL 3 data collection plan, with precision and LEVEL 2 I can implement gathering data from accuracy, gathering I can follow a plan my data collection multiple diverse data from multiple LEVEL 1 to collect data and plan while avoiding sources, while diverse sources or I can make record information. significant data avoiding significant repetitions of the With guidance, I can observations related collection errors data collection errors. experiment, and make observations to my inquiry, and With guidance, I (e.g., missed steps, attending to ethical related to my inquiry. record information can organize my insu昀昀icient samples, I can organize and considerations. using drawings, data to help me inaccurate recording). represent my data I can record what I notes, charts, and/or make meaning (e.g., using graphical I can organize and notice using drawings diagrams. organizers, maps, I can organize my displays, relevant represent my data or notes. charts, graphs, data using graphical digital tools, and sets using graphical tables). displays (e.g., maps, basic mathematical displays, statistical charts, graphs, analysis (e.g., mean, analysis tools and I can point out and tables). median, mode, functions (e.g., discuss important or variability). slope, intercept, interesting details I can identify correlation coe昀昀icient about my data (e.g., patterns and outliers I can use a range of for linear fits), and patterns, outliers). in my data set and tools or strategies other relevant explain what they to identify and technologies. mean in the context explain important of my inquiry. relationships among I can use a range of variables/factors in tools or strategies to the data. form insights about the relationships among variables/ factors in the data, and to make sense of disconfirming data. 20
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