RW.2 LEVEL 6 ENGAGE AND CRITIQUE LEVEL 5 I can describe and PERSPECTIVES LEVEL 4 I can describe and characterize the LEVEL 3 characterize the key key themes or ideas LEVEL 2 I can describe and themes or ideas of of a text, and their I can summarize a text characterize the key a text, and draw connections to LEVEL 1 and ask questions themes or ideas of connections to issues of power I can summarize about the maker to a text, drawing on past or present and identity in With guidance, I can a text and ask better understand the details from the text, issues, events, or broader social, give a summary of questions about text, and its purpose and/or its purpose institutions (e.g., cultural, political, what a text (e.g., the maker to better and context. and context. political, religious, and/or professional story, video, design) is understand it. cultural, racial). contexts. about. I can share what I I can use questions I can share what I liked and/or didn’t about the text’s I can ask and I can ask and answer I can share what I liked and/or didn’t like about a text maker, supporting answer questions questions about liked or didn’t like like about the text and why, and I evidence, purpose, about the text’s the text’s maker, about the text and and why, and I can can discuss how and context maker, supporting supporting evidence, why. discuss how it my own ideas to evaluate its evidence, purpose, purpose, and context connects to my own and experiences relevance and and/or context to — including their ideas or experiences. influence my opinion credibility. evaluate the quality, relationship to other about the text. integrity, relevance, positions, experts, I can analyze and and/or significance or sources — in discuss how my own of the text. order to evaluate the prior knowledge and quality, integrity, experiences, beliefs, I can reflect on relevance, and/or and values inform my own biases, significance of the my understanding and discuss the text. and evaluation of limitations of my the text. perspectives, I can reflect on evidence base, or my own biases analysis of the text. and discuss the limitations of my perspectives, evidence base, or analysis of a text. 39
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