RW.1 LEVEL 6 FIND INSPIRATION LEVEL 5 I can notice and keep AND IDEAS LEVEL 4 I can notice and keep track of experiences LEVEL 3 track of experiences that a昀昀ect me LEVEL 2 I can notice and keep that a昀昀ect me emotionally, and I I can notice and keep track of experiences emotionally and can reflect on and LEVEL 1 track of experiences that a昀昀ect me reflect on why. speculate about I can notice and keep that a昀昀ect me emotionally and their meaning. I can notice when track of activities emotionally (e.g., reflect on why. I can respond to a something I observe, or experiences that excited, moved, source of inspiration I can respond to do, or learn makes make me feel excited curious). I can draw from a by trying on or sources of inspiration me feel excited or or curious. source of inspiration playing with ideas by trying on, playing curious. I can draw from a to help me imagine (e.g., imagine, with, or questioning I can come up source of inspiration something new, visualize, predict, ideas, and I can With guidance, I can with one or more (e.g., experience, draw connections, or pose questions, pursue ideas that come up with one questions or ideas observation, generate questions or make connections) energize me, and/or or more ideas about about what I want to interaction, pattern, ideas, and choose one and I can choose one are in line with my what to do, try, or do, try, or learn next. new learning) to idea to pursue that idea to pursue that purpose. learn next. generate questions energizes me, and/ energizes me, and/ or ideas, and choose or is in line with my or is in line with my I can take steps one to pursue that purpose. purpose. to further explore excites or motivates my questions or me. I can take steps to I can take steps to ideas, while making help me explore or further explore my intentional choices pursue my question question or idea, about my approach to or idea. while making help me sustain my intentional choices attention, energy, about my approach creativity, and/or (e.g., choose my inspiration. environment or setting, block dedicated time, engage thought partners, refresh sources of inspiration). 38
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